Three Reasons Why BASIC Flex Is Better Than Other FSA Administrators

Published March 2010

Based on feedback from customers and our sales representatives, BASIC has found three main reasons why our Flex Administration is better than other TPA’s service.

Plan Compliance
Employers appreciate BASIC’s high standards of quality service. BASIC strives to keep every client in compliance with their respective services. One of the most important aspects of Flex administration BASIC offers is the compliance that is included in the service. BASIC does a great job keeping employers and their Flex administration plans in good standing with the IRS.

Participants know they can easily call a customer service representative (CSR) for reliable information, for example to find out if a specific item is an eligible expense before they make the purchase. This keeps participants happy and ensures that they are not trying to receive reimbursements for ineligible expenses.

Customer Service
BASIC Flex is unequaled by other TPA’s in terms of knowledgeable customer service representatives. BASIC extensively trains their Flex CSR’s to be experts in their field. Employers like having an assigned CSR to handle their Flex plan. This guarantees that the CSR is familiar with the client and their Flex plan, saving valuable time and avoiding the hassles of repeating information.

Plan participants appreciate that they can call to get a live customer service representative on the phone immediately. Participants can reach a CSR to follow up and check the status of claims and account balances as well as find out when they can expect reimbursements or just ask questions about their plan.

Employers find value in the multitude of Flex reports available for use. The majority of these reports are system generated during the day and automatically emailed to employers the very next day. These reports help to keep the employer informed of the status of their FSA plans and also keep them updated regarding compliance.

BASIC Flex is also one of the most responsive TPA’s, averaging only one day to process claims. The quick turn around time when processing claims keeps participants happy instead of waiting for a check or direct deposit. BASIC also boasts an FSA and HRA claim accuracy rate of 99.97%.