Over the past year, many companies have altered the way they do business due to the pandemic, and BASIC is no different. We’ve made big changes, such as our shift to a 100% remote workforce, which has given us tremendous organizational flexibility to better serve our clients and broker partners nationwide. We first announced our plan to unify and grow the BASIC brand back in July, 2020. We’ve made exciting progress so far, with even more to come.

BASIC: A Unified Brand

In closing our physical offices and moving to a standardized benefits platform, our goal is simple: make life easier for our brokers, clients, and participants. Instead of the BASIC brand being divided into several administration offices including BASIC NEO, BASIC pacific, BASIC New England, and BASIC Gatekeeper, we are now one unified BASIC brand with one new benefits platform: Consumer Driven Accounts (CDA). Our new and improved benefits system, CDA, allowed BASIC to consolidate and align our benefit account solutions into a single, easy-to-use platform, thus simplifying administration for our clients across the country.

Since switching to the new CDA benefits platform, our next administration goal is to set uniform contact methods to drastically improve the broker, client, and participant experience. That means sunsetting older domains like basicpacific.com and basicneo.com, and ensuring all BASIC employees utilize a basiconline.com email address in the marketplace going forward. Clients and their employees on the West coast will have the same experience as those on the East coast. These changes make it easier to preserve the high touch dedicated customer service model our clients have come to know.

Modern Benefit Solutions – New Services!

For over 30 years, BASIC’s main goal has been to deliver administrative and technology-based solutions that assist Human Resource departments throughout the US. To keep up with the changing needs of employers and their staff, BASIC is proud to offer new benefit accounts that will improve any benefits package in 2021 and beyond. New offerings include Education Reimbursement, Wellness Accounts, and Fringe Benefits that can be tailored to fit your company’s specific needs. With new services being added to our traditional benefit account offerings, along with our current suite of Compliance, Leave Management, and Payroll solutions, there’s never been a better time to partner with BASIC.

We thank all of our clients and broker partners for working with us over the past year and look forward to continued success.